Smoked Salt

smoked salt

Smoked salt is a versatile and delicious spice that can add a unique smoky flavor to any dish. It’s perfect for grilling and barbecue, adding depth and complexity to meats, fish, and vegetables. Smoked salt is made with high quality sea salt and is slowly smoked over natural wood, resulting in a rich, smoky flavor … Read more

Master Your BBQ: Pork Shoulder Resting Guide

resting pork shoulder in cooler

Pork Shoulder Resting Secrets As you pull your smoking pork shoulder off the grill after a lengthy six to eight-hour session, a sense of accomplishment undoubtedly washes over you. Yet, the journey to the perfect barbecue isn’t quite finished yet. It’s time to consider an often-overlooked question: how long should you rest a pork shoulder? … Read more