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How to Make Beef Tallow

Easily make beef tallow at home with beef trimmings
Prep Time30 minutes
Cook Time4 hours
Course: Spices & Rubs
Cuisine: American
Keyword: beef tallow, cooking fat, tallow


  • 1 Dutch Oven Crock Pot / Instant Pot can be used as alternatives
  • 1 Mesh Strainer Cheese Cloth


  • 2.5 lbs Beef Fat Trimmings


  • Add beef trimmings to a stock pot or Dutch oven. You'll want to use at least two pounds of trimmings
  • If using the stove, place the burner on a low heat setting. You want slow and low, anything too hot, or a rolling boil can burn the fat leading to a brown, funky taste
  • Allow the fat to render for at least thirty minutes, then stir occasionally to ensure all the bits are evenly distributed and are being heated evenly
  • Keep an eye on the pot! The last thing you want is a rolling boil as it can lead to an inferior product.
  • Rendering the fat into a clear liquid will depend on how much trimmings you used, but this process can typically take between 2-4 hours
  • Once the liquid is ready, it's time to get ready to strain it
  • There are many methods out there, but we like to double strain it, first using a mesh strainer, and then again using cheese cloth to ensure we have removed all the impurities
  • When straining ensure that you are using a heat resistant dish that can accommodate the hot beef fat liquid
  • Once the beef fat is strained - you now have tallow! The tallow is ready to be used, but we like to funnel it into a mason jar for long term storage.
  • Once the beef tallow has cooled it will become a a cloudy white substance that solidifies - almost like butter.